Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lebihan Miyak Pelincir Kereta.. Apa nak buat?

Kalau korang hantar kereta ke bengkel untuk service, perkara utama yang dilakukan oleh juruteknik ialah menggantikan minyak pelincir enjin kereta anda. 

Pastinya ada baki sedikit di dalam bekas minyak itu, biasanya juruteknik akan kembalikan bekas minyak itu kepada anda. Apa yang anda lakukan kepada baki minyak itu? 

1) Kembalikan kepada juru teknik? 
2) Bawa balik rumah dan lupuskan ke dalam tong sampah? 
3) Simpan kat rumah sahaja, sebab tak tahu nak buat apa? 

Sebenarnya anda boleh simpan baki minyak itu, dan kumpulkan setiap kali anda menghantar kereta anda ke bengkel. 

Bila dah banyak, anda boleh guna minyak pelincir itu untuk "flush" enjin kereta anda untuk membersihkan enjin dari saki baki karbon (yang membuatkan minyak berwarna hitam) dan juga besi besi halus kesan dari geseran engin kereta anda. 

 Anda cuma berikan baki minyak yang terkumpul itu kepada juruteknik dan minta dia 'flush' enjin kereta terlebih dahulu sebelum memasukkan minyak pelincir yang baru. 

1) Juruteknik akan membuang minyak pelincir terpakai dari kenderaan anda. 
2) Memasang semula drain plug dan memasukkan minyak pelincir terkumpul yang anda berikan. 
3) Hidupkan enjin selama beberapa minit. 
4) Membuang semula minyak dari enjin. 
5) Memasang drain plug, menggantikan penpis minyak, dan memasukkan semula minyak pelincir yang baru. 

 Kini enjin kereta anda lebih bersih berbanding hanya menggantikan minyak enjin seperti biasa. Anda tidak perlu melakukan seperti ini setiap kali anda servis kereta anda... 2 tahun atau 3 tahun sekali sudah memadai. 

Anda juga boleh guna engine flushing fluid untuk memersihkan emjin kereta anda dari varnish dan karbon.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Memperbaharui Insuran Kenderaan & Cukai Jalan ( Renew Auto Insurance & Road Tax )

Memandangkan road tax kereta buah hati akan tamat pada penghujung Jun nanti, saya pun berhasrat untuk memperbaharui secepat mungkin. Senang je nak renew road tax ni, yang penting pulus mesti ada.. dah nama pun cukai... 

Sebenarnya cukai jalan boleh diperbaharui dalam 60 hari lebih awal sebelum tamat, tapi sebelum dapat renew road tax kena renew insurans dulu... 

Sekiranya anda mempunyai salinan policy insurans yang terdahulu, anda boleh membawa polisi tersebut ke cawangan insurans atau agen insuran untuk memperbaharui polisi insuran anda. Jangan risau!!! tempoh perlindungan untuk insuran anda tetap sama walaupun anda memperbaharui dengan lebih awal, begitu juga dengan cukai jalan anda.. Tarikh tamat akan tetap sama pada setiap tahun. 

Anda juga boleh memilih mana mana syarikat insurans yang anda inginkan dan tidak perlu risau tentang NCD (diskaun tanpa tuntutan). NCD yang anda ada sekarang akan tetap sama walaupun anda membeli insurans dari syarikat yang berlainan.

Anda juga boleh memilih untuk membeli perlindungan cermin kenderaan anda. Anda perlu ingat, insurans yang sedia ada tidak melindungi cermin kenderaan anda sekiranya pecah atau retak dek bukan kerana kemalangan. 

Setelah memperbaharui insurans kenderaan anda, kini anda boleh memperbaharui cukai jalan pula. Kalau x sempat, esok lusa pun boleh. Bukankah anda ada 60 hari lg...

Nak renew road tax kena ada geran kenderaan. Kalau xda, anda boleh guna perkhidmatan MyEg. Anda juga boleh menuntut geran kenderaan anda daripada bank tempat anda membuat pinjaman untuk perbelian kenderaan itu. Contohnya jika anda membuat pinjaman di Public Bank cawangan Kangar, anda boleh ke sana untuk mengambil geran itu. Kini anda boleh menyimpannya untuk urusan pembaharuan cukai jalan pada tahun tahun seterusnya. 

Anda boleh ke Pejabat JPJ yang berdekatan atau Pejabat Pos untuk memperbaharui cukai jalan anda. Anda hanya perlukan pulus dan juga geran kenderaan anda untuk memperbaharui cukai jalan. Polisi insuran tidak diperlukan lagi, kerana dengan adanya sistem yang canggih anda secara automatik tidak dapat memperbaharui cukai jalan sekiranya belum memperbaharui insurans kenderaan anda.

Pandu dengan cermat, jangan lupa pakai tali pinggan keselamatan.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oxy Acetylene Welding/Cutting

Gas welding is one of the oldest methods of welding and, for many years, was the most widely used method of metal-melting; however, its use is a lot less common today. Nevertheless, it is a versatile method, using simple and relatively cheap equipment. It is suitable for repair and erection work, for welding pipesltubes and structures with a wall thickness of 0.54 rnm in materials particularly prone to cracking, such as cast iron and non-ferrous metals. It is also widely used for cladding and hardfacing. The heat is generated by the combustion of acetylene in oxygen, which gives a flame temperature of about 3100 Deg. C. This is lower than the temperature of an electric arc, and the heat is also less concentrated. The flame is directed onto the surfaces of the joint, which melt, after which filler material can be added as necessary. The melt pool is protected from air by the reducing zone and the outer zone of the flame. The flame should therefore be removed slowly when the weld is completed. The less concentrated flame results in slower cooling, which is an advantage when welding steels that have a tendency to harden, although it does make the method relatively slow, with higher heat input and the added risk of thermal stresses and distortion. In addition to welding, gas flames are also often used for cutting, and are very useful for heating and flame straightening.

Acetylene (C2H2) is the fuel gas for gas welding. It consists of 92.3 % of carbon by weight, and 7.7 % of hydrogen. Its combustion in oxygen produces a higher combustion temperature than that of any other hydrocarbon gas. In addition, its flame is the most concentrated in comparison with other gases.

Oxygen is stored as a compressed gas or liquid. In bottles, it is usually stored at a pressure of 20 MPa. Large users usually receive the gas in liquid form. Make sure that all connections are clean and tight, in order to avoid leakage.
Never apply oil or grease to connections.

The basic requirement for a good weld is that the size and type of the flame should be suited to the type of work. The size of the flame depends on the size of the torch nozzle and on the pressure of the gases flowing through it. This pressure should be maintained within certain limits. If it exceeds the normal pressure, there will be a considerable jet effect and the flame will become 'hard'. Below the correct pressure, the jet effect will be reduced and the flame
will be 'soft'. We distinguish between three different types of flames, depending on their chemical
effect on the melt pool: carburising, neutral, and oxidising.

Neutral flame
The normal flame is that which is used most. It is easily recognised by the three clearly distinguished combustion zones. The innermost zone, the cone, is a mixing zone and glows white. Acetylene is burning here, to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen which produce a colourless tongue around the cone. This second zone is chemically reducing, and so it reduces any metal oxides and keeps the melt pool clean. The outer, blue zone of the flame is where carbon monoxide and hydrogen are burning with oxygen from the air, forming the final combustion products of carbon dioxide and water vapour. It prevents oxygen in the air from coming into contact with the molten metal, and so acts as a shielding gas.

The carburising flame
If the proportion of acetylene in a neutral flame is increased, there is insufficient oxygen to burn the surplus acetylene in the core zone. The acetylene therefore continues to the second zone, where it appears as a highly luminous yellow-white flame. To some extent, the length of second zone indicates the amount of excess acetylene.

The oxidising flame
If the quantity of oxygen in the weakly reducing flame is further increased, the flame changes to an oxidising flame. The core length is reduced, and the flame takes on a violet tinge with low luminosity.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Bilik untuk di sewa di Taman SEC ranca-ranca

Harga sewa= RM250/Bulan tidak termasuk bil utiliti.
Deposit 2+1.
Size:7x10 sq.ft.

Dlm Bilik ada;
1) Katil+Tilam
2) Kipas
3) Almari pakaian

Untuk lelaki muslim yang masih bujang dan berkerja.

Urgent!! Boleh Start masuk 1 March.... Siapa cepat dia dapat!!!!

hubungi: 0137319253

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Analytical skill For Your Career

Analytical skill is the ability to visualize, articulate, and solve complex problems and concepts, and make decisions that make sense based on available information. Such skills include demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, designing and testing solutions to problems, and formulating plans.

To test for analytical skills one might be asked to look for inconsistencies in an advertisement, put a series of events in the proper order, or critically read an essay. Usually standardized tests and interviews include an analytical section that requires the examiner to use their logic to pick apart a problem and come up with a solution.

Although there is no question that analytical skills are essential, other skills are equally required as well. For instance in systems analysis the systems analyst should focus on four sets of analytical skills: systems thinking, organizational knowledge, problem identification, and problem analyzing and solving. It also includes the way we describe a problem and subsequently finding out the solutions.

How To Develop Your Analytical Skill??

Learning How To Question

Everybody knows how to question. It is part of what makes us human – we meet new people and ask them where they come from, what they do for a job, whether they are married. However, as your studies progress you will find that you need to think more deeply about how you question and the type of questions that you ask.

Being able to ask the right questions is fundamental to your studies, not just when you conduct your own piece of research, but when you listen to lectures, read books and talk to other students. If you do not develop questions you will not be able to reflect on what you are learning, query the arguments of others or develop your own ideas.

Critiquing And Reviewing

On some courses you will be required to critique and review the work of others. Some adults feel uncomfortable with this, believing they are ‘not clever enough’ or ‘too inexperienced’ to do this. However, this is not the case – from a very early age we learn how to critique and review, especially from books, television and newspapers or magazines.

Critiquing and reviewing the academic work of others is similar to this – we read the text, think about what we have read, ask questions and then form our own opinions about the content. If you are concerned about carrying out your own critique, break down the task into a series of steps which will help you to make the task seem more manageable.

Solving Problems

A problem exists when you are curious, puzzled, confused or not sure how to resolve an issue. Throughout your course you should encounter a series of these types of problems that have to be solved.

Becoming A Reflective Learner

Reflective thought involves the ability to acquire facts, understand ideas and arguments, apply methodological principles, analyse and evaluate information and produce conclusions. It includes the ability to question and solve problems by linking your previous ideas, knowledge and experiences with present ideas, knowledge and experiences. Becoming a reflective learner is a skill that is cultivated over time – you will get better as your course progresses.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jawatan Kosong Baker Hughes

Skg ni aku nak kongsi ngan korang suma satu jawatan kosong kat Baker Hughes, tapi kongsi info je la. Kalau aku dapat position ni, aku tak nak la kongsi ngan korang. Makan sendiri beb.. Yang ni memang aku yakin diantara yang terbaik gak la. Tapi korang pun kena gak prepare diri korang suma supaya memenuhi requirement position tu.. Bukan tu je, skill "cabling" korang pun kena kuat gak la untuk memastikan position ni akan menjadi milik korang.Hehehhehehe.. Ok kawan2 jangan sia-siakan masa muda anda. Cari la ilmu dimana saja,seperti yang superboss aku pena cakap, Everyday we learn, we never stop learning...

Baker Hughes Incorporated (NYSE: BHI) provides reliable, practical solutions when and where our customers need them to lower costs, reduce risk and improve productivity. From the reservoir to the refinery we create value with high-performance products and services to analyze, drill, evaluate, complete and produce oil and gas reserves and then transport and refine the hydrocarbons.

Baker Hughes operates in over 90 countries serving independent, international and national oil companies. Our service network is organized into 23 Geomarkets operating in 9 regions and 2 hemispheres. Region and Geomarket management teams work to understand customer needs and coordinate delivery of individual products and comprehensive service solutions that include the right Baker Hughes technologies for the project.

We are now seeking to recruit highly motivated individuals to join us.

Manufacturing Engineer (Req ID: 32990)
Location: Port Klang, Malaysia

Job Responsibilities:
- Performs standard engineering assignments which can be non routine in nature and are typically a limited portion of a larger project
- Works closely with Plant Manager in Plant Layout, Implementation of Technology and Setting up of Technical systems
- Works closely with Manufacturing Specialist in bringing and setting up the machines
- Develops and implements production methods
- Recommends and implements improvements in the production process. Recommends appropriate materials, and/or techniques to carry out a specified sequence of standard engineering tasks
- Evaluates progress and results and recommends changes in procedures
- Operates with considerable latitude in making autonomous decisions
- Coaches less experienced engineers / technical personnel
- Formulates goals, forecasts resource requirements, prepares capital and expense budgets
- Provides product support, manufacturing support and failure analysis. May assist technical support teams in testing new applications and problem solving
- Handles special projects as assigned

Skills Required:
- Advanced analytical skills, Problem solving skills, ability to determine root cause and implement solutions
- Ability to identify basic objectives and elements of capital budgeting, the key participants and customers
- Ability to identify basic objectives and elements of a project execution plan
- Advanced verbal and written communication skills
- Demonstrated effective leadership skills
- Ability to identify improvement opportunities for material handling and implementing lean material handling strategies to reduce set up and transportation time
- Understanding of Six Sigma methodology and various steps of manufacturing process
- Basic Machining knowledge, Material Flows, Kaizen projects, knowledge in routing and BOM’s processes. Basic quality knowledge.
- LEAN, Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt Certified is advantageous

Education & Experience:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering with 3+ years experience or Master’s Degree in Engineering
- Experience working in Oilfield services or Heavy Industry

Manufacturing Specialist (Req ID: 32018)
Location: Port Klang, Malaysia

Job Responsibilities :
- Works closely with Manufacturing Engineer to improve safety and insure quality manufacturing processes
- Develops methods and procedures to accomplish overall manufacturing goals. Develops & implements new product production methods
- Recommends & implements improvements in the production process
- Act as technical advisor to teams, management and other functional groups to facilitate process improvements
- Handles capital equipment procurement, handles special projects as assigned
- May receive specifications and guidance from team leader or senior level engineers

Skills Required:
- Problem solving skills in a diverse business culture
- Ability to identify the basic objectives and elements of control and assurance planning for project health, safety, security and environment

Process Knowledge & Software skills:
- Knowledge of Sawing, Machining (Boring, Rough, Drilling, Facing, Part off, Threading. Milling etc.)
- Knowledge of material specifications, machine centers and good knowledge of lean principals and teaming (Machining Times Estimate – Feed, Cutting Depth, Speed, RPM etc)
- Hands-on CNC Machining (NC Lathe, NC Machining Center) Experience. Basic NC Programming knowledge
- Understanding of SAP BOM, Routings, Material Master, and MRP /Scheduling Systems, Cost Estimates

Education Requirements:
- Diploma or ITE Qualified in Mechanical Engineering discipline
- Hands on experience working in Oilfield services or Heavy Industry

If you are looking for an exciting new opportunity in a growing market and want to find out more about the job, please visit http://www.bakerhughes.com/careers and search for the job by the “Requisition ID” or by “Country” i.e. jobs based in Malaysia. Please go here to apply this job online.

At Baker Hughes, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

Bagaimana Turbocharge Berfungsi

Turbocharger terdiri daripada sebuah pemampat (compressor) dan turbin (turbine) yang bersambung oleh shaft yang sama, oleh itu jika turbine berputar pemampat juga berputar sama. Lubang masuk ke turbin menerima gas ekzos yang panas daripada enjin yang menyebabkannya berputar. Putaran turbin ini juga menyebabkan pemampat berputar dan memampatkan udara sejuk sebelum menghantarkannya ke manifol masukan pada tekanan yang tinggi, ini membenarkan jumlah udara yang besar memasuki silinder.

Sekarang, mari kita mengenali beberapa asa sebelum terus mara kehadapan. Terdapat dua cara untuk menambah kuasa sesuatu enjin. Salah satu daripanya melalui meningkatkan kandungan campuran udara dan bahan bakar dengan menambah bahan bakar yang memasuki enjin (menekan pedal pemecut dengan berlebihan). Ini tentu sahaja akan menambahkan kuasa tetapi kita terpaksa menangung kos yang bahan api yang tinggi dan juga kadar pencemaran yang tinggi. Salah satu cara lagi ialah dengan menambah jumlah isipadu udara yang memasuki silinder enjin dan menambahkan bahan api secara berkadar. Ini akan meningkatkan kuasa dan kecekapan campuran bahan api tanpa memudaratkan alam sekitar dan juga wang ringgit anda untuk membeli bahan api. Inilah yang sebenarnya di lakukan oleh turbocharge, meningkatkan kecekapan isipadu enjin anda.

Didalam enjin yang bernafas secara semulajadi (natural aspirated engine), lejang masuk yang berlaku mewujudkan suatu kawasan yang mempunyai tekanan yang rendah bagi menarik lebih banyak udara untuk memasuki silinder enjin tersebut melalu injap masukan (intake valve). Di sebabkan silinder enjin mempunyai tekanan yang rendah berbanding tekanan persekitaran (lebih kurang 15psi), ini menyebabkan udara dari luar memasuki silinder enjin ataupun dikenali sebagai kebuk pembakaran (combustion chamber). Kebolehan udara memasuki kebuk pembakaran ini juga di kenali sebagai kecekapan isipadu. Dan jika kita boleh meningkatkan perbezaan tekanan yang lebih tinggi, ia akan menyebabkan lebih banyak udara yang akan memasuki kebuk pembakaran dan meningkatkan kecekapan isipadu enjin itu. Turbocharger biasanya di gunakan untuk tugas seumpama ini, meningkatkan perbezaan tekanan merentasi injap masukan (tekanan selepas injap yang jauh lebih rendah berbanding sebelum injap).


1) Kuasa yang lebih berbanding saiz enjin yang sama.

2) Kecekapan haba yang lebih baik berbanding enjin penafasan semulajadi (natural aspirated engine) disebabkan penggunaan semula gas ekzos daripada dibazirkan begitu sahaja.

3) Kecekapan bahan api yg lebih baik.


1) 1) Peningkatan kuasa dan tork yang tidak sekata dan sukar untuk diramalkan

2) 2) Kos yang tinggi untuk pemasangan dan penyelenggaraan